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Busy, advanced bookings highly recommended. I have an insatiable lust for life and knowledge, but only one of me to pursue satisfying all of my curiosities.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Self Dawning Realizations, Two Months Later

It's nearly the end of April and I haven't updated this blog pretty much since I started it. In the past few months, the following events inter alia has occurred:


Of course, I haven't been following the training programme strictly, due to conflicts in time and commitment with work, boyfriend, friends, more work.. I'm not Wonderwoman for goodness' sake.

For the first month however, I was quite strict with myself. Training was going very well and I hit all of the distances, did hill training and still had the time and energy to meet with friends for dinner afterwards. How? Because I am an idiot - I made the foolish mistake of thinking that all of the distances in my training schedule (noted previously) was in kilometres, when really the distances were listed in MILES. No wonder I thought marathon training was like a walk in the park!!

I am supposed to be able to run a half-marathon by now. [Insert expletive! Multiple!] The furthest distance I've run is still 15km in my whole life; and thus far in my training I have reached 13km. Mentally still confident that once I'm out there on the course on June 13, I will be able to go the whole distance... physically will I be ready? [Do not answer out loud!]

On the plus side, I have obtained some new gear. A lovely Christmas present received from the lovely Boyfriend presented itself in the form of Nike running shorts and fitted tank. With regards to Nike vs. Adidas gear, I have a definite preference for the former due to fit, size and support in the relevant areas.

*Comparing shoes with the Artist.
My friend, who I will refer to as "Nike-Nick", is going to run the the full marathon Phuket Laguna Marathon (and whose girlfriend will join us in the half-marathon event); he happens to work at Nike and very kindly gave me an "encouragement present" in the form of a pair of grey and purple Nike running shoes, seen on my right foot in the picture to the left! [Thank you very much, Nike-Nick :D] The new style of running shoe at the moment is a kind of revert back to basics, as they believe all the extra cushioning is not necessary and in fact could cause more damage to your knees when covering long distances. So this style of shoe seems quite hard but they've been serving me quite well.

The newer Nike models also have the Nike+ capabilility. The Nike+ technology allows you to insert a Nike+ chip into your shoe, which is synched with either a USB key in a wristband or an iPod Nano (either the wristband or iPod Nano must be purchased separately) to tell you certain information while you run, such as time you've spent running, distance, and calories burned. After you run, you can upload the data onto your computer and track your progress online on Nike's running website. I purchased a grey and pink wristband for myself back in January and didn't bother to install it at the time since I normally run on treadmills, which tells me all of the aforementioned information. Otherwise I am running with Chicken Vet Spaniard, who will continually update me on request as if he is the talking version of the wristband, haha.
All of this has caused me to conclude as follows: 1. I am low-tech, since I couldn't figure out how to sync the wristband; 2. Next time I buy a tech-toy-gadget, I'd better install it right away, because apparently the battery has died even before I started to use it?! 3. I need to moisturise more and/or invest in Vaseline to combat chafing around arms, thighs and lower back!


Luckily I have been able to dine at some of Bangkok's top restaurants as listed by Tatler in the past few months, though not as many as I'd like. I've been too busy training for the marathon etc., as noted above, hahaha.

1. After You (Thonglor Si 13, La Villa Soi Aree, 5th Floor CentralWorld Mall)
I'll always remember the shocked expression of my expat American friend ("Syrup") when he asked me "You've never been to After You?!" No surprise, because the shibuya honey toast alone, for which this dessert restaurant is most famous is well worth the accolades and extensive queues to get a table. I wish I knew when was the best time to go there to beat a 20 minute queue but evidently there is no such thing - every single branch seems packed out to the max during any of its opening hours.
*Shibuya honey toast with peanut butter! Yummy!

I normally order a combination of shibuya toast, big soft cookie (with vanilla ice cream), and chocolate lava dessert. I have a theory that women actually physically NEED more dessert than men, because it seems that normally 1. the Boyfriend doesn't order dessert, and 2. I'm usually the one finishing my male friends' desserts! I also like the banana crumble with ice cream and custard (as seen on the right). The bananas fool your brain into thinking that you're eating something healthy, but the creamy richness of the custard and ice cream reminds you otherwise..

2. Aldo's (6th Floor, Ascott Hotel on Sathorn Road)

I've been to the morning brunch here a few times prior to 2010, as the set brunch menu is quite reasonable at THB550++ with the 20% discount (thanks Wingman!). The style is semi-buffet, semi a la carte: buffet for cold cuts, rolls, pastries, salad, smoked salmon and the like; a la carte for types of eggs, and the set menu also includes soup (although for some reason, you have to specifically dictate to the waiter/waitress that you WANT soup even though you've declared that you'd like the set menu).

The dinner menu is alright. The tuna tartare starter was decent though the general consensus on the "large" plate of cold cuts was that it had shrank from last years', which was denied by the staff. Food is better than mediocre - especially the "Wellness Salad" with its mixed greens, avocados, apples, cranberries! You feel like a healthy rabbit after eating that! The portions of pasta dishes seemed small but after tucking in I realized that they were the right size for a meal if you'd like to just feel satisfied as opposed to gorged-to-near-stomach-explosion.

In any case, who could possibly say no to a smiley-face melting chocolate dessert?

(It was pretty tasty, I especially liked the accompanying raspberry sorbet).

The best part of Aldo's is the relaxed atmosphere, helped in large by sitting in the open air next to their lovely blue swimming pool. I'm sure I will be going back there again for brunch, and hopefully I will even end up going for at least a dip in the pool afterwards - which I have told myself I will do several times!
*Here you can see the Artist enjoying the remains of his breakfast next to the pool and some weirdo named Red Lotus.

3. Another Hound (2nd Floor, Siam Paragon Mall)

Personally I would prefer to eat elsewhere, because 1. I'm not hugely keen on the strong flavours used in Thai food (such as holy basil) and 2. there isn't anything on the menu which is non-fusion. Having said that, the place itself is extremely chic with its black walls, funky glass chandeliers, and cool pictures on the walls. With the same drinks menu as at Greyhound Cafe I can at least indulge in my favourite fruit smoothies.

*Just use their brilliant picture menu like the Viking did to choose which dish looks most appealing.

*I love their chandeliers! Watch out for glasses falling on your head...

4. Angelina Paris (2nd Floor Central Chidlom Department Store)

This restaurant, located on the second floor of the department store, serves some French classics and Asian (Thai) contemporary food. I wasn't that impressed with the Asian dish I had - rice with seabass covered in crumbs and served with mango and tomato salsa - as the fish didn't have much flavour.

Go for the French every time. The calamari was ordinary but the Croque Monsieur and Croque Madame were extremely delicious, rich and comforting (though not exactly light in terms of calorie intake..). I am also in love with the signature hot chocolate!!

Eating in a shopping mall is for poseurs when the restaurant is located among the racks of clothes as opposed to a separately designated food court. But who cares? Definitely a good place to people watch and have a cup of awesome hot chocolate and afternoon cake.
*Happy girls looking relaxed and waiting for our bite to eat after a session of shopping at Central Chidlom :)

5. Beccofino (Thonglor Soi 4)
Along with Giusto and Zanotti, I would rate this as one of the top Italian restaurants of Bangkok. Upon the Chicken Vet Spaniard's hearty recommendation, I went there with the Boyfriend, the Boyfriend's parents, Pitti Moon-Language, his girlfriend and his son. Half of us chose the set dinner menu while others went for a la carte options. Every single dish on the table was a winner!

* Rocket Salad with Lobster *Steak
*Pasta with Foie Gras and Truffles *Tiramisu

6. Bei Otto (Sukhumvit Soi 20)

This is Bangkok's most famous German restaurant and has been around 1984! I am a huge fan of sausages and all things gastronomic from Germananic nations. This is somewhere to go with a group of friends, because you don't want to miss out on ordering one (or several) of their awesome ginormous platters.
*No words necessary... dig in!!

*I always have room for dessert... black forest cake anyone? No? Cherries aren't your thing? Good, I'm not sharing!
7. Calderazzo (Soi Langsuan)

Italian food is just everywhere in this city. How to choose? This one happened to be conveniently located next to The Consultant's condo. I’d actually eaten there two years ago with some married friends, and the Former-Prime-Minister-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named along with his family had just finished dining there as we’d arrived. Aside from that, the ambiance is very much “date atmosphere” and small intimate groups. Foodwise, the starters are excellent – fois gras on spinach and rocket with raspberry vinaigrette, and beef carpaccio were well presented and tasted delicious! The pastas were also pretty good and came in perfect portions so I still had room for a chocolatey dessert of some kind...

8. Chesa (Sukhumvit Soi 20)

The Consultant and I had spent our Gregorian New Year holidays in that lovely ski resort of Crans-Montana in Switzerland (along with Pitti Moon-Language, the Wingman and the Dominatrix), during which much of the time was spent eating Swiss delights such as fondue. Upon our return to the Kok, we decided to re-enact scenes from our culinary holiday and went to check out Chesa, which is basically the only Swiss restaurant that you can find around town (although recently, I did hear of another one in Bangkok - note to self: must check that out) and was opened in 2000. The Consultant and I shared the Neuenburger Käse Fondue, which is the original cheese fondue with a mixture of Gruyère and Emmental cheeses along with kirsch. For dipping, we had some bread and vegetables. General consensus was that while delicious, there was something missing in terms of 'oomph factor' - perhaps the cheese wasn't stinky enough? Or perhaps the "sexpats" at the neighbouring table stank more than the cheese?

9. Coffee Beans by Dao (Soi Ekkamai 12, 2nd Floor CentralWorld, Soi Mahatlek 1 Rajdamri Road)

I love this place. This could be called a fusion restaurant, but the flavours are more Western-homey than Another Hound Cafe (which is far more influenced by Asian flavourings), and so I can eat pretty much everything here. It is a hugely popular restaurant frequented by families, couples, groups of friends, as its' extensive and reasonably priced menu caters to a huge variety of tastes! I like the spaghettis (sun dried tomato, scallop, chili and garlic is a favourite), and the appetizers such as mini-burgers and mini-tacos are usually gone pretty quickly once they arrive on the table.

*My favourite time - dessert time - with the Consultant's Vanilla Crepe Cake, my Lemon Meringue Pie and the Chicken Vet Spaniard's Blueberry Cheesecake!

It would be a travesty if I didn't mention their famous cakes. One word: AWESOME. I could eat every single cake and pie in this shop! I'm pretty sure this is the number one reason why this place is packed every time I'm there. Horlicks' Malt Cake, Lemon Meringue Pie, Chocolate Devil Cake and Strawberry Shortcake are my favourites, but I really could eat any of the 20-something selection available! I'm getting hungry just writing about it now.

10. Contrazi (Soi Sukhumvit 11)

I went here for the first time with the Chicken Vet Spaniard, the Artist, the Radz One, the Master and the Hyperactive Chef one night on impulse, as it is within walking distance to one of our friends' homes and within walking distance to certain (in)famous nightclubs known as Bed Supperclub and Q-Bar.
*Contrazi Pasta

As often happens when with a group of people, we all over ordered. Luckily there was at least 1 person (the Artist, and the Radz One's boyfriend) who showed up late to eat all of our leftovers. The pasta was not bad in terms of flavour (though the noodles were more cooked than al dente requires).

*Lamb shank with truffle risotto

Unfortunately by the time that my main course (Lamb shank with risotto) arrived, I was already full from all of the pasta and salad that I'd had before! The few bites that I did manage - probably 3/4ths of the plate - were delicious though. The lamb was tender and the risotto was delightfully creamy and rich.

I've heard they have a good set Business Lunch available. If I ever happen to find myself in the city during a working day, I would definitely keep this as an option.
One disappointment however, was the level of service. The waiter took my order incorrectly and upon being told that it was not what we had ordered (as my order had been witnessed by all in the group), he attempted to argue with me, saying that I had forgotten what I'd ordered. Not a good impression = NO TIP!

11. Crepes & Co (Eight Building at Thonglor Soi 8, Soi Sukhumvit 12)

This creperie is the only restaurant of its' kind in Bangkok, and there's the additional surprise with Moroccan favourite dishes as well. The restaurant in Sukhumvit Soi 12 is always packed on weekends (avoid if you dislike children), so make sure you reserve a table at least one day in advance! The staff are polite and knowledgeable about the menu, and dress in stereotypical French-waiter costume (ok, so it's a bit kitsch, but I think it's cute). Despite their novelty, the savoury crepes leave something to be desired in terms of taste unless you add lots of tabasco... stick to the Moroccan food and sweet dessert crepes. Princess Panda even liked the nutella crepe, so you KNOW it's a winner.

*Nutella Crepe!

12. Crystal Jade (Erawan food court in basement, Siam Paragon Mall)

Quite possibly my favourite Chinese restaurant in Bangkok (with the exception of the Master's kitchen at home), it serves Cantonese dishes which I just keep eating and eating until it's all gone even though my boyfriend has long stopped and has started playing on his Blackberry due to boredom. Special mention goes to the egg fried rice - fluffy, eggy, onion-free and not very oily at all; stirfried green beans with minced pork - quite oily but tastes so good (I wonder if they use MSG? It really is THAT good); tofu with thousand year old egg; drunken chicken; unlimited chrysanthemum tea; and spicy noodles. You can tell I eat here often since I can recall more details of the individual dishes, compared to my notes on other restaurants... The range available at Siam Paragon is greater, since they do a full dimsum service there on Sundays (book ahead to avoid queues).

*1/2 Roast Duck

13. Erawan Tea Room (Erawan Mall)

A place to feel civilized, in the middle of the heat and the crowded shopping district. A small paradise in hectic downtown Bangkok. Need more metaphors? This is seriously a small corner of heaven in Bangkok. Their list of tea is longer than anywhere else around town, and their scones are authentic and WARM. One might think that a steaming pot of smoky Lapsang Souchong is a bizarre choice after toiling in the heat of Bangkok, but the coolness of the air-conditioning, combined with the professional staff in their Thai traditional dress and quiet music in the background certainly works wonders to make one feel ultra relaxed.

*Afternoon High Tea Set

*Scones with Chiang Mai Strawberry Jam, Clotted Cream and Lapsang Souchong Tea. Very civilised indeed!

Everything that you see in the picture, such as the silver tea set and Thai pottery plates, as well as other items such as pretty lacquer boxes, is available for sale in the Erawan Tea Room. Good souvenir potential for those pesky presents you need to buy people who you don't know very well..

14. Greyhound Cafe (J-Avenue at Thonglor Soi 15, Central Chidlom Department Store)

Greyhound is more than a place to eat European bistro favourites, Asian fusion classics and be seen. It is a brand of über trendy clothing for the young and supercool fashionistas (clearly not me, since the only thing I’ve ever wanted to purchase from the store was a silk t-shirt). Anyway, this is a favourite among locals and expats, for the simple reasons that it is 1. Conveniently located (you can eat, then shop), 2. The food is reasonably priced, and 3. There is something for everyone. Everyone who is ANYONE usually eats here about once a month, and it’s common to run into friends, friends of friends, and their lovely Chanel purses and/or fluffy lapdogs named Chanel.

*Ham and Cheese? YES PLEASE!

[Self-portrait photo courtesy of King Johnnie Walker Kong's camera, snapped when he was busy being a socialite on his Blackberry.]

I love their fruity smoothies. In this picture I was having a Passion Fashion - strawberry, passionfruit and mint. I am also hugely keen on the Pick You Up - pineapple, banana and lime. Yummy and makes me feel healthy even though I've just eaten a whole ham and cheese grilled sandwich with no leftovers..

15. Le Nôtre (Basement Floor Siam Paragon Mall and Natural Ville in Soi Langsuan)

I'm not sure if anyone goes there to eat the actual food served. I'm convinced that the savoury menu is more of an after-thought to their main objective, namely to offer delicious desserts and hot chocolate. In this case, the old saying "Less is More" should be adhered to, because their savoury offerings are not really worth mention, with the exception of the pumpkin soup.

16. L'Opera (Sukhumvit Soi 39)

This is a restaurant that has been around for several years - I remember going with friends when I was 16 (I'm not OLD yet but that's at least 10 years). The first time I drove past it I thought it was some kind of sketchy cinema featuring blue movies. Inside it reminds me of a big wine cellar, and the food is delicious, if on the slightly expensive side.

*For a starter: The Consultant opted for the healthy option of rocket salad, and I had the fantastically creamy aromatic truffle soup. MMMmm-mm! I don't know what the salad tasted like because it smelled less tasty than the truffle soup in front of me hahaha.
*Main course could easily be mistaken for some kind of nasty vomit, but in fact was an extremely tender lamb shank on the bone, on a bed of fragrant saffron risotto

17. Minibar Royale (Sukhumvit Soi 23 on ground floor of Citadines Residence)

This New-York style brasserie opened last year and has been hugely popular, not least for its lovely brunch offerings and unique cocktails. The service is TERRIBLE however - apart from their constantly surly faces, they tend to mix up orders, mix up bills and you usually have to repeatedly chase them to bring another bottle of water to the table. Luckily for them, the food is good enough to lure back repeat customers such as myself.

*Corned Beef Hash with Poached Eggs *Rosti with smoked salmon, creme fraiche and dill

*French Toast with Fruits, Ice Cream, Cream

18. Tapas (Sukhumvit Soi 11)

According to the Chicken Vet Spaniard, this is Bangkok’s top Spanish restaurant and the food is just the way his Mummy makes it. Who am I to argue with that? The list of tapas and wines is extensive and while I can’t vouche for his Mummy’s cooking, I can definitely affirm that at Tapas, EVERYTHING really does taste delicious – otherwise I wouldn’t keep coming back! *Ready for the seafood paella!

*What meal would be complete without dessert? Time for Flan!

*I didn't eat all of those by myself, I promise..

19. Trader Vic's (The Marriott Resort and Spa, Charoennakorn Road)

The cuisine is touted as Pacific Rim, which consists of a lot of barbecued meat and pineapple flavour (consistent with the stereotype...no? Was that politically incorrect?) This restaurant is more famous however for their Sunday brunch spread, which is definitely one of the best in Bangkok and worth the trek crossing the Chao Phraya river. The set brunch is either ++1599THB (including beer and cocktails) or ++1899THB (includes beer, cocktails and wine). A morning of unlimited Bloody Mary cocktails, unlimited fois gras, caviar, roast lamb, steak, fresh Fin de Clair oysters, unlimited what-ever-your-heart-and-stomach-desires is a morning well spent, and an afternoon well digested.

*Melting chocolate tower! Unlimited fruits!! Omg!

One teensy complaint: no marshmallows or cake for dipping in the chocolate fondue tower?!

After listing all of the above I realise I have actually lunched/dined in more places than I had reckoned, thus rendering me closer to my goal without me realizing it. Hurrah!


The culmination in both A and B has resulted in:

  1. Overall weight gain 5 kilograms
  2. Increased circumference of each upper thighs by approximately half an inch
  3. Decreased circumference of waist by approximately 2-3 inches
  4. No difference to daily fluctuation of 'Bat-Wing' arm syndrome
  5. Drastic reduction in alcohol intake from a previous estimated at 30 units/week to a current 2 units/week
  6. Reduction in cigarette intake from a previous estimated 3-5 packs/week to a current 1 pack/week
  7. Terrible blisters and accumulation of dead skin cells on my feet (sorry, very gross I know). I am going to treat myself to a very exclusive and deluxe pedicure a few weeks after I finish the race, for sure!
  8. Chafing scars on inner thighs, arms and lower back
  9. Depletion of overall financial resources on the part of me, my boyfriend (in particular), and any friends who participate in the 'Tatler Restaurant Goal'

It's unclear whether I have more energy for running due to cutting down on alcohol and more sleep, or whether the running makes me more sleepy and feel less desire to drink. Either way, my overall health must be improving!

1 comment:

  1. You and the Consultant "re-enact scenes from [your] culinary holiday"? That's hilarious.
